Maryrita Wieners, MA, LPC

Counseling Services

Counseling Services

DC individual therapy by Imago Relationship Therapist Maryrita Wieners, LPC.  Counseling, treatment provided for self-esteem, compassion, self-identity issues.
Individual Counseling
  • Learning self-forgiveness and compassion 
  • Healing from your guilt and shame
  • Moving through your experiences of grief and loss
  • Working through your life transitions
  • Developing resources for reducing your stress 
  • Finding healthy, connecting relationships
  • Healing from your depression
    and anxiety
DC Imago Relationship Therapist and educator, Maryrrita Wieners provides Imago counseling for individuals and couples.
Imago Relationship Therapy
  • Looking for Love: preparing for relationship by knowing and growing your self
  • Pre-Commitment Counseling: learning ways for deeper connection with each other 
  • Committed Couples Counseling: creating a safer relational space by crossing the dialogical bridge 
  • Welcoming same sex, Interfaith, and Intercultural couples
DC pastoral counselor and consultant Maryrita Wieners, LPC welcomes individuals, couples, therapists and spiritual leaders, rabbis, ministers, spiritual leaders and lay leaders.
Pastoral  Counseling
  • Growing your self-identity and
  • Learning self-forgiveness and compassion 
  • Healing from your guilt and shame
  • Looking for deeper meaning in
    your life
  • Healing from your grief and loss
  • Exploring the practices of mindfulness, meditation, and discernment
  • Exploring healing and growth from a spiritual perspective
My vision welcomes and holds a world where you learn to 
honor differences and safe connection, a world where you learn to 
cross the bridge into the other's world through the 
process of intentional dialogue: 
Listening and mirroring, validating and empathizing.

I am honored to be part of your relational journey both within yourself and also with those whom you love and with whom you want to connect more deeply.
"When you are grateful, fear disappears and
abundance appears."
Anthony Robbins
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